
34.10 At the Fourth Cosmic Degree al souls live in harmony and every soul is clairvoyant


In the seven spheres of light, the soul has laid aside every material and earthly thought. Therefore, at the Fourth Cosmic level of Life, there is no longer any lie, deceit or misery. Here each soul as a personality is completely in harmony with all other souls. Everyone is clairvoyant and clairaudient and is now aware of all past lives. One no longer needs artificial light here; man himself is “light” here. Here one can form temples by thinking about them, no earthly structure is needed anymore.

-Because the human being does not have any diseases to experience, this life is perfect. Man and wife make journeys through this universe and visit the following grades of life. Man and wife float through this universe and can say: we have conquered every law of gravity. There are no longer any sciences to be found here, they are no longer necessary! Because the human being is conscious, has become ‘Science’! The material music also had to make room for the Divine, which the human being here undergoes because he is one with all the life, with every Timbre for each grade of life. Their concentration is Divinely conscious at this attunement.

The Cosmology 4 p.245, 246

-What we must now experience is the consciousness of the first planet. As a result of this we soon determine the spatial life of feeling of one grade, and then go further. How does the human being feel in this universe, there comes to us. What does the human being have to do here, now that he can experience Divine harmony? Can you feel, there enters our life, that we carry all of this? That we represent the universe and all our life around us? Can you feel that we give life to Mother Nature? That we gave life to the animal kingdom?

-You see, the Six transitions have now taken themselves in one world to the Universal unity. What you have to experience is that you feel that the Human Being now starts to sense, will experience his Divine Cycle, and that we as Human Beings are one with all the life. You will wonder: what are you doing now? We are alive! We are alive and have nothing else to do, as a result of which we take our Divine consciousness to the highest awakening of all.
Yes, my brothers, we are alive! That is the purpose of the All-Mother. You see people and the life of Mother Nature, but that is the All-Mother! As you were able to experience, those are sparks of ‘HER’ Independence and Personality.

The Cosmology 5 p.217

-Now every human being is clairvoyant, clairaudient.

Lectures 3 p.357

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof