
34.12 At the Fourth Cosmic Degree the pregnant mother can consciously communicate with her child


Seven hours after dying, each twin soul can already animate another fertilized egg of new life.  Even in the mother’s womb, the soul remains conscious here as a personality. Each soul also knows to which other mother the twin soul will be born, and this is also communicated to its own mother. Mother and child have a constant emotional contact; they talk to each other spiritually. Pregnancy lasts seven months and has seven periods of material growth and evolution. After birth, the human being grows to adult stature in just twenty days. Each soul lives here together with its twin soul.  As mother and father they have two children in each life, so that life can always go on. The soul as personality lives here for the universal love for all life.

-The mother – I told you – is already in contact with her life, with her child before that soul comes. And now the birth, now the awakening.
-Everything is sacred, open and conscious. Everything has accepted and received the final healthy core. You go at the same time; one can no longer go before the other, that is father and mother. Father and mother, these twin souls continue at the same time.

Lectures 1 p.117

-Here the soul as human being returns im- mediately after her passing over. In seven hours, according to the earthly calculation, she gets a new life. Her life as human being has now become so harmonic. By means of this she conquers this universe. So she is also father and mother for the universe, those laws of God did not change in any way.

The Cosmology 1 p.246, 247

-And that was the moment that the human soul was attracted by this world and we saw our embryonic existence again, but we now experienced those hours consciously. Can you feel what this means? We continued to follow and to experience our birth consciously, conscious in everything, one with our mother, from the very first second.

The Cosmology 1 p.251

-But here the human being even stays awake in his embryonic stage and the child speaks in the mother: “Mother, I hear you, can you hear me?”

Lectures 3 p.357

-In the mental regions one soul waits for one body. In the case of the planet earth, however, thousands of souls wait for one or- ganism and this explains the disharmonic conditions of the planet earth, which we have encountered on our long road and which I have been allowed to explain to you.

The origine of the Universe p.487

-The human being only gives birth twice here. And that is for the rein- carnation. Now the Human being one for fatherhood and motherhood is a Divine event!  

The Cosmology 5 p.220

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof