
34.4 The evolution process on the Fourth Cosmic Degree began as cellular life in the waters


Before the first souls transitioned to the Fourth Cosmic Degree of Life, their spiritual aura had already prepared the first planet of the fourth degree for their arrival. This allowed the first souls to use the spiritual plasma of this planet to form their first cellular body. As with the first three Cosmic Degrees of Life, the first souls on each planet of the fourth Cosmic Degree of Life also had to start their first life again and again as small cells in the waters. The difference with the previous cosmic life degrees was, that souls now did remain conscious during all transitions. They could consciously reincarnate to the next stage to build up all the material degrees of life in this new universe. Also here, they again experienced the material build-up of the body in the water and on land. The fourth cosmic level of life is thinner than the third. The substance here is translucent and radiant.

-The soul as human being now has the consciousness of all her previous lives. We therefore also had to accept the fish stage here. We also had to accept every grade of life as a law of Mother Moon for this world. It will therefore be clear to you, we also experienced the waters. And then we en- tered the first transition, the first planet, our land and heavenly existence as father and mother. The Cosmology 4 p.235

-The fourth cosmic degree could, therefore, not be born, and has not gone through the process of condensation, until man as a spiritual being passed on from the earth to a higher life, which is the hereafter on this side. But even then we see transitions which are the seven spheres on our side, to pass on to the mental regions and to be attracted by the fourth cosmic degree.

The Origin of the Universe p.148 

-When people had reached the fourth cosmic degree and life had commenced there, the fifth cosmic degree condensed, and the sixth cosmic degree was also in a seminal stage.

The Origin of the Universe p.264

-Along with us the animal life, also flower and plant, go further and the waters are lit up like pure light. All the life of these grades of life has become transparent and now possesses a Universal form. You will soon sense and understand that we do not possess any wild animal species on the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life, the animal life also received this becoming conscious. A sun and planet, my brothers, represent macrocosmic love, they also became twin souls. And the universe places that in the hands of the human being. It is our Universal oneness for man and woman, father and mother! And our life of love takes the being to the Fifth Cosmic Grade of Life. And that world is again more rarefied, more spiritual; what is the All-Conscious life like then?

The Cosmology 1 p.254

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof