
34.6 Everything on the Fourth Cosmic Degree is translucent and tenuous and humans communicate with spatial telepathy


Everything in the tenuous material state of the 4th Cosmic Life Degree looks like the spiritual state in the 4th sphere of Light. It is the same state. This is true of man’s body and also of the garment they wear. Here live men, women and children. All are young and of incredible beauty. The same is true of the birds and the flowers. Man here is one with all other life, with everything. They do not need to move either.

-This planet has a different atmosphere, for the material organism differs from the organism on earth. The organism on earth is coarse as compared with that on this degree. Man on earth is a wonder of crea- tion, but there the human body is transparent and resembles a spiritual being of the fourth sphere on our side. You know how they radiate, although that is their spiritual garment, on this planet the material organism is like the inner radiance of the fourth sphere.
-How Divine these people were and what beautiful garments they wore. He saw these garments in all shades. They wore them the way a spirit on the side be- yond did. It was mighty to see all this.
-They are people in a material organism. Look, André, how they radiate and how delicate that organism is! This is human beauty. These garments are like those of the spiritual human beings of the fourth sphere, but materially, because this material condition is similar to the one of the fourth sphere on our side.
-Like the fourth sphere, young and beautiful! Look at those buildings and this environment, and here women, men and children are living. Oh, such happiness.
-This is already a paradise’, he heard his leader say. ‘Isn’t the fourth sphere on our side like paradise? This is a paradise, but a material one. Fancy that. Here are birds of unprecedented beauty and flowers unknown on earth.
-How beautiful these people are. All this beauty has moved me deeply. These people cannot be compared with the human body on earth, they are transpar- ent, Alcar. I told you. These beings are like the spiritual beings living in the fourth sphere. Can people on the side beyond see all this? Yes, but only those who have reached the fourth sphere, it is not until then that they can be connected with it.’

The origine of the Universe p.465, 471, 472

-We were able to master the natural, spatial telepathy, the unity with another life for our own consciousness; we have that, and that is our possession! We do not need to move, because where we are, there is everything, we have become everything.
-Then we are floating, then we are wind, then we are rain, then we are light.
We have become serving power, physical and spiritual.
We feed the waters, we give light to the space,  for my light is the light for the sun.

 Lectures Part 1p.113

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof