The Fifth Cosmic Degree of Life dissolves into the Sixth, and this one brings man Divine maturity. Again, this world is more rarefied and even more Divinely conscious. Man is now the animating life for Mother Nature, the light in the eyes of the animal and man! And that is Divine consciousness! The human robe has become more beautiful and lovely. There is no more gravity here either, sentient life has conquered everything. Here the soul comes closer again to the Divine maturity. Man now begins to feel that he is the inspiration for all life.
-What you will also see now, those are the living sparks for the Sixth Grade and you can orientate yourself again. And that world is also more rarefied of spirit again, and yet materially true. But the laws are the same, the life which reaches the Divine harmony lives in there. So we also see and experience every law of life for that world, the Divine All also possesses the same grades of life.
-We also see now, my brothers, that the Fifth Grade dissolves into the Sixth, as we were able to see that for each world. The solar system is the same, even if the laws of life, the consciousness and the love are growing, by means of which the life can represent the God of all these universes.
-The Sixth Cosmic Grade takes us to the Divine adulthood, to the Di- vine sensitivity, if the human being wishes to represent Him in everything. We come closer to that love, His kingdom, His heaven.
-Yes, my brothers, this is God’s image! All these univers- es together. I am starting to feel that I am the inspiration for all the life of the earth and the universes which we were now able to get to know. I am blood for all those bodies, and also the soul and the spirit! I am the intellect, you will soon have to accept when we see the Divine stage before us, because that is the truth. Yes, we are the inspiring life for Mother Na- ture, the light in the eyes of the animal and the human being! And that is Divine consciousness!
The Cosmology 1 p.267, 268
-Here you see the fourth cosmic grade. I can suddenly go further; the fifth and sixth are not any different. The sixth… you still remain mother, you reach unity, you still have to give birth and create; the embryonic life lives in you. You still possess the Divine All… The mother has the All- Source in her and grows, gives… opens her temple and the creating power inspires her as a result of the paternal authority. We go further to six and enter the Divine All. The seventh grade, the cosmic grade, the Divine All is finished, ready for us! There is light, and everything possesses the golden radiance that we were able to see for the All-Mother in the begin- ning of these revelations. Now we are Divinely conscious.
Lecture 1 p.105
-I continue. In this way we float from planet to planet. In this way we go from the first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth cosmic grade to the sixth. And when we have experienced the sixth, our garment has be- come more and more beautiful, the sandals are Divine light; we no longer have any gravity. Our inner life has conquered everything; our character- istics are spiritually conscious, receptive. Everything of ours, every thing, every tissue, every blood pressure which belongs to our life has received Divine foundation.
Lecture 1 p.121
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof