What is life. Life is protoplasm, primal force.
Concepts we can also call God.
Man experiences life by feeling.
Everything in the cosmos is life and feeling: fruits, flowers animals and also water and space.
-But how shall I explain all these wonderful laws to you, my boy, now that we know that everything is feeling, which has to be ‘experienced’? Space is ‘feeling’ too.
-It is another incredible thing when I say that fruits, the flowers, and animals, in short all life to which we human beings belong are only feeling. Will man be able to accept this wonder? And next, dear Venry, when I say that the waters is not water, but only ‘feeling’, would not the Pharaoh punish me and have me locked up because he thinks that I deceive him and myself, and that my tongue is poisoned or that I am abnormal?
Between Live and Death p.93
-God put life in all matter, which is feeling. On earth life is one in matter, yet it’s a separate body. That’s why we call it the spiritual and the soul body. Life is protoplasm, the proto-power: God.
A View into the Hereafter 2 p.126
-Now we will continue, that evolution continues. Then I will show you: the human being is light, the human being is life, the human being is fatherhood and motherhood, the human being is soul and spirit, but the human being is also feeling. And that is the feeling of the All-Mother. And feeling is a driving force, is inspiration, and is also giving birth, that is also the All-Source in us. The All-Source in something is, just say what is the solar plexus for people, the centre of feeling. That centre of feeling is therefore present as core of the All-Source in that cell.
Lectures 2 p.30
-Just this … as the final word: everything is Divine feeling … and we people and all life must master this Di- vine feeling and that is only possible as a result of reincarnation, fatherhood and motherhood. As a result of this, men and women, fatherhood and motherhood are also the most sacred thing on Earth, in and for the human being.
Question and Answer 1 p.14
-All-maternal plasma!
The life blood of Her life of feeling!
And that is working, is power, but that became evolution!”
The Cosmology Part 5 p.218
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof