Now we can soon experience how the human eye became seeing, because it originated from the feeling. That feeling, you accept that, don’t you? Everything in the universe possesses feeling, every animal, also gran- ite, stone, diamonds and pearls have feeling, because the feeling has been materialized. You accept that, the biologist, the geologist accepts that. Those are laws as a result of which we can say: we live in the All-Seeing eye, we live in the source which is everything. Which is everything: giving birth and creating, soul, feeling, life.
Lectures 1 p.408
-Every characteristic is a flower, is wisdom of life, is the radiation in the human eye. There is no hatred, no disintegration, and no destruction there. Crisje does not have that. Crisje is free from these things, because this is true. She had lived according to that, she meant it, felt it, and gave it.
Lectures 1 p.367
-On this side feeling encompasses all the senses. The sense of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting; in short, everything is one in the life of the spirit, and that oneness is feeling. That’s why man’s spiritual body having this sensitivity, is fundamental.This is what he ought to develop in order to pass on to a higher state of existence.
A View into the Hereafter 2 p.64
-The more sensitive a person is, the more he sees in the spirit when he starts to tune into the spiritual life. When people have lost a loved one, only then does spiritualism have value; before it was nonsense. I experience that often, very often, when people come to me. You cannot tell enough then about life after death; they want to know all about it. Only then, do they read spiritualist books and go into it deeper. Then their hearts are broken and they can be reached. Therefore the greater the struggle, illness, suffering and sorrow people receive, the more sensitive they become, however awful it is.
Those who came back from the Dead p.68
-You have had hundreds of thousands of lives, they are part of your feeling. Now we get seven depths of feeling, and the highest, the seventh, the day con- sciousness in the subconscious…
Question and Answer 6 p.11
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof