
38.14 Learning to make a sensitive connection with life around you


In his life as Jozef Rulof, Master Alcar teaches him to lay down his own earthly thinking. Only then is it possible for him to enter into a pure feeling connection with all life.
In general, man in our time has not yet developed far enough to achieve that oneness with all life.
However, you can train yourself to have something of that oneness experience. Try contacting Mother Nature, a tree or a flower or Mother Water.

-Every law, nature, a tree, a flower, a plant, especially the human being, the animal, you must love, you must absorb, you must get to know all of that, and it is only then that that unity comes. But try to get to know the life of your trees. Become one with nature, with giving birth, with creation, with water, with light, with night, with day, and now the planetary system. Do you see? We must ex- perience that unity. And we speak from that world, we also have something to bring, and that has already happened. Can you feel this?

Question and Answer 6 p.79 (Q6.2733.2741)

-You must want to discard your own thinking, because your thinking is earthly, social and has noting to do with the spiritual thinking. Master Alcar had to teach me that first and I could do it, because the master had laid the foundations for this.

Question and Answer 1 p.248 (Q1.7581.7583

-You will think that a tree has not learned any language… has it? The answer is: in us, the inner life speaks, and that feeling can elevate me into the own existence. Then the life of the tree speaks as power and energy, as a part of God.

Spiritual Gifts p.151 (SP.3318.3320)

-Sense this and you will understand why a star gets consciousness. However, it is we ourselves, by means of which that life as a law of life reaches the human speaking. And that is still always a revelation for your feeling. It is the ‘kiss’ of every grade of life, my brother André.

The cosmology Part 2 p.61 (C2.2083.2085)

-Now the being one with all the life follows. We experience that oneness and you know how that must happen. Now that tree tells me, where and by what means he got life. Every law takes us back to both the own origin and the origin. We are now infallibly one and that happens from soul to soul and from feeling to feeling!

The cosmology Part 2 p.56 (C2.1927.1934)

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof