Our soul is eternal, our body temporary. Our material body serves our soul only for this one earthly life. The soul is the life that animates the material body. The soul reincarnates from the world of the Unconscious. From this world, the soul can make the connection with the fertilized egg-cell in the mother. The soul is the life that animates this cell and drives it to growth.
Our whole life, our soul feeds our body with life force until its life task is complete. When the life plan is fulfilled, the life energy diminishes and one feels tired. The weakened body is then very susceptible to diseases, which undermine it and stop it. What is called “dying” on earth is the soul leaving the body. When we as a soul have withdrawn all our feelings, we continue our infinite life, enriched by the experiences in this body.
-What has fallen asleep in the world of the unconsciouss, will awake when this life is born again. This is the inspiration for the development of the material organism.
The origen of the Universe p.120 (OR.3272)
-It is the world of connection in which the human being, the soul, lives who will return to the earth. From here the soul therefore goes back into the material body and is the life which brings the material to vivification. That is being born on earth.
The Cycle of the Soul p.161 (CY.5441.5443)
-The majority of humans here on earth really think that they live materially, but you only become separate from the body, and you will soon enter the world for your soul, the world for your spirit and you will be an astral personality.
Lectures Part 1 p.12 (Q1.9135.9142)
-Jozef says: ‘You say it already, Mr Brand, God is Spirit and we people also got that Spirit of God, but that is our casing for the soul on the other side. Therefore the soul becomes closed off there by the ‘spirit’ and that is the Spirit of God, for the human being the spiritual astral life. We possess three bodies, actually two, one for here and one for there. Here we live in the material and there in the spir- itual world, for which our spiritual organism closes off the soul, because the ‘soul’ for all the life of God is the Divine core in us!
Question and Answer 1 p.30 (Q1.9135.9142)
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof