Feeling is invisible. Feelings of others are received by our soul in the so-called solar plexus. This solar plexus, also called nerve center, is located at the level of our stomach, just below the diaphragm. Our feeling life and our nerve center are directly connected to our soul. Our soul propels feelings from this nerve center through the nerves to the brain. In the nerve center, the soul senses what the other person has to say.
So not in the brain, as science still claims.
When sounds have reached our solar plexus through ears, brain and nervous system, we can determine, thanks to the sensing of our stored emotional life, what these words mean to us and what we want to respond to them. We all know the phenomenon, that when we feel strong feelings such as anger and fear, our stomach shrinks. In reality, this is the reaction of our emotional life in our nerve center. Also a deep feeling like love we feel in the stomach or in our nerve center. So through our nerve center or solar plexus we feel what another person is sending us in terms of feelings and we can let our own feelings speak.
-But we draw from the life in order to give form to the life of feeling, that is the solar plexus here under the stomach from where we think and feel and act.
Question and Answer 3 p.359 hdst:12-06-1952. (Q3.13026)
-That means: if only I just let my solar plexus, had let my core speak. But I learned something and that some- thing, that was never ever in attunement with the matters, the laws, the spaces of him and her which created me, and which I have to represent for and by means of everything.
Lectures 2 p. 325 (L2.7942.7943)
-Some time ago, I told you about our vital centre, also called the solar plexus.
Now this centre is directly linked up with the nervous system.
Whatever we earthly human beings think and feel is processed by the nervous system and these impressions are made to reach their destination, namely the brain.
Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side. p.231 (ME.7991.7993)
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof