Feelings are transmitted from the nerve center near the stomach through the nervous system further into our bodies. Through this central nervous system, our feelings reach our brain, which then delivers the appropriate nerve impulses to our body to convert these feelings into spoken words or into other actions.
This conversion of feelings into words has been developed and refined by the soul, in the many lives, we have had. In prehistoric times, humans had only a limited brain size. The conversion of feelings into speech was still limited. Man at that time still barked, as a dog does today. Over the course of many lifetimes, the soul has adapted the brain to its emotional life so that we can now receive and produce nuanced and delineated sounds to make ourselves understood in words.
This is also the reason why our brains are considerably larger than those of primordial man.
-And then you must see that, then the academic says: “Yes, we do not understand: in the prehistoric age those big people had such a small skull, just such little brains.” Then I already wanted to start writing in addition and to send that book back to him, your doctor; I say “Yes, sir, because there was still no feeling. The life of feeling created the brains, because brains are only a resistance in order to pass on the life of feeling. No brains were needed. There were just a little bit of brains needed for that large, animal-like, human beast. There were only a few brains needed, just a little bit. That skull was capable of thinking and doing for a fly, there was no feeling and there were no more brains either.”
Lectures 2 p.57-58 (L2.1461.1469)
-I am speaking, thinking here, the brain has already dealt with it, but from that source I send my thoughts through my body, and then those clockworks, those tissues come to vibration. And now the brain is only there in order to be able to receive the feeling.
André explained it to his people in The Hague, or you would hear nothing else this evening but ho hoboble bla, or it would be barking and bumping. So a dog and an animal, and another life does not have spiritual human concentration or the life of feeling. Because before, in the jungle, the human being barked too. And as the consciousness came, the concentration came, the brain was able to adapt itself to the life of feeling. Everything therefore comes from the life of feel- ing to material growth.
Question and Answer 6 p.181(Q6.6971.6977)
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof