The day consciousness is the active part of our subconscious and through it we are aware of what we are feeling. With this day consciousness we experience our own feelings and also those of others. Then, with our day consciousness, we probe our subconscious and explore whether we recognize these feelings and what image goes with them. The subconscious mind, is a huge database, in which the feelings of all our lives are stored. The day consciousness floats on the subconscious, so to speak. If you are aware of this and constantly ask yourself: why do I think what I think and why do I do what I do, then you will get to know your true self better and better.
-However the day-conscious self is to experience, the unconscious serves as a storing place and can be heavenly, because you have stored the laws of many lives there, along with suffering and sorrow!
Spiritual Gifts p.399 (SP.9825.9826)
-You can experience, even now you can experience, while you live here in Am- sterdam or wherever, you can still experience things from France, Italy, Africa. You see something, you say: ‘Hey, I know that’, and then that is the Africans and American, English or whatever people where you were, is at that moment for so many grades, percentage of feeling conscious, and is part of your day conscious- ness. Your day consciousness is represented by millions of lives. It is not strange at all that you have a talent for languages, or that you do art; that man has this and that man has that. Someone comes, can do this. Mozart went to the piano, another child can do joinery, and that one can bake bread.
Question and Answer5 p.195-196 (Q5.6557.6562
-Because the child which is born, only experiences the new birth. And those previous lives now belong to the subconscious.
-You can think from inside, in- wardly, but if it passes your lips, then that thought has materialized, and you know yourself from that. You know what you yearn for. But, from all those feelings, from those thousands of thoughts, the human being can get to know himself. Socrates wanted that. Look, you are asking about it, and the world, society is still not conscious for those systems. But accept, there are millions of people living on earth who accept reincarnation and also had that reincarnation proved. Here in the West you do not have it like that, but in the East children of four, five years old are already conscious for the temples and a child like that says: ‘I am master there and there, I will come back.’ The masters said beforehand: ‘I am going now, but in 43 years’ time, so many days I will be back again, and I will be born there.’ And those pieces of proof were received.
-But your lives, your deeds, your thinking, your actions, you now have that in your day consciousness, you are that from the past. That cannot be any different, for that matter. Now that deep subconscious is not so deep, that you can still perceive the phenomena of that in day consciousness.
Question and Answer5 p.198, 199
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof