
39.5 Thoughts are feelings transformed into words


First we sensate something and then we materialize our feelings into words and thoughts. This works as follows: The base of our feelings is our nerve center, the solar plexus at the level of the stomach. From here our feelings go to our nervous system and here our feelings get expansion. The nervous system thus allows us to form materialized thoughts. The stream of feelings that flows from our nerve center into our nervous system has a certain force, depending on the strength and ferocity of our feelings. The nervous system transmits this force, but cannot regulate that force. If this force of feeling were not regulated anywhere in the body, that force could damage organs and tissues. Regulation of this sensory force is done by the brain. Here the feeling forces, which flow through the nervous system, are captured and neutralized. The brain provides sufficient resistance to that feeling force, and also makes sure that the right force is passed through in order to speak in a nuanced and controlled manner, for example. The brain then transmits the right regulated force to the vocal cords so that the sounds produced are just rightly delineated as separate words with the right intonation. We can also expand our feelings by thinking. See: https://rulof.org/From-feeling-to-thought.html

-Master Zelanus said it on Tuesday evening: brains, ladies and gentlemen, mean nothing, because the brains take care of the life of feeling – and it is true, I was able to see all of that by means of those disembodiments – the brains takes care of the life of feeling and send it on, or we would burst as feeling… When we begin to think, that is so awe-inspiringly strong. If you touch a certain thing with your thoughts, sir, then this whole building will collapse. Only as a result of thinking. If the vibration of a sound, engineer, isn’t it true, touches the funda- mental, a castle collapses.
By means of a sound like that. And what is the thinking then, the thinking of the human being? But they do not know it, they say: ‘That comes by means of the brains.’ But the brains take care of the life of feeling, send it on, fragment it, send it left, they hold back that pressure, there are nerves there – if you lose bal- ance, you should see what happens there, because we know all those little veins and those little nerves – and then it goes on, and then it goes back again, over the back, to the stomach, and in this way it comes back, and then you get the sound, the timbre on the palate. And if you are singer, sir, then we can immediately say whether you sing from your throat, with your feeling or by means of your brains.

Question and Answer4 p.118 (Q4.4144.4152

-I told you about our vital centre, also called the solar plexus. Now this centre is directly linked up with the nervous system. Whatever we earthly human beings think and feel is processed by the nervous system and these impressions are made to reach their destination, namely the brain.

Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side  p.231 (ME.7991.7993)

-The human being on earth is soul, spirit and material. The soul is the Divine core. Therefore every thought – you see that, you now read that in ‘A View into the Hereafter’, continue for yourself, just remember this – every thought which you bring in harmony with the Divine laws of con- densing – a thought condenses itself and expands itself, the more rarefied, the more loving a thought becomes – is the space for a feeling, is a feeling as a characteristic. Therefore every action gets sphere consciousness.

Lectures 1 p.343 (L1.9789.9792)

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof