
39.6 There are people who live without a brain and still function normally


In the book “Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side”, a special case of skull surgery on a man is described in which the doctors found no brain. The skull was empty and what should have been brains had dried up. From birth, this man had lived without those vital organs.
The most striking thing, however, was that he had lived a normal life, and he had been able to think as well as other people. His thoughts were just as sharp, he could talk well, there was no difference in his actions from people who do have brains. Nor was he aware that he was thinking without a brain. This extraordinary phenomenon is also known to our current science, which, however, has no good explanation for it.
In the book, Jozef Rulof’s spiritual leader, Master Alcar, gives a spiritual-scientific explanation for this phenomenon. This normal thinking without a brain is possible when the body has already been able to adapt to the absence of the brain from the time of growing in the mother’s womb. Then the functions of the brain can be taken over by other nerve centers.

-“How do things function under these circumstances, Alcar?” “I will try to explain this enigma to you. Listen. Several people exist on earth, who, without knowing this, possess no brain beneath the crown of their skull. Their skull is empty and yet they can think and are very quick-witted.

Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side. p.231 (ME.7991.7993)

-The brain itself would not be able to convey this power of feeling whenever it is expressed in words, because the speech organs and the nervous system have to perform this. This shows us that the speech organs are vital, but that we can do without the brain. The vibrating organs, which produce speech, are now forced to operate by the will power and the personality of the person in question.
The nervous system is therefore the most important organ in this process, as the nerves are directly attuned to the inner life.

Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side.p.231 (ME.8002.8005)

Some time ago, I told you about our vital centre, also called the solar plexus. Now this centre is directly linked up with the nervous system. Whatever we earthly human beings think and feel is processed by the nervous system and these impressions are made to reach their destination, namely the brain.

Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side p.231 (ME.7991.7993

-However, when this organ is absent, a link will be established between the nerve centres and the person’s inner life. The nervous system reacts with such infallibility that it merges with the inner life, which is followed by the materialization of these feelings.

Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side p.231 (ME.7994.7995)

-The man with the empty skull has had to adapt to his nervous system from birth, and this gradually developed along with his physical growth. This growth process has not shown any distur- bances, and so we see that the spirit consciously dominates all physical sys- tems. Those systems therefore must be in harmony and they begin to vibrate through the inner life, the human will power. Science has received these pieces of evidence, yet nothing has been achieved; otherwise, you would have heard more about it. This wonder has been stowed away behind a wall of scientific secrecy. Actually, it has been buried alive. Now, other learned men must first come forward to continue this study. We already know that these men will some day be born and the scientist whom I was talking about just now will return to material life and will soon bestow those pieces of proof to all mankind.

Mental Illnesses seen from the Other Side p.232 (ME.8023.8029)


Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof