The floral life in the Spheres of Light is attuned to the Divine color kingdom, is indescribably beautiful and is directly connected with the human being in a wonderful way.
Every flower here represents the life, thoughts and character traits of the human being.
So, millions of flowers interpret the human life.
They live by means of the human being!
If the human being was to with- draw, this life would dissolve.
A flower is a part, is a particle of God, of His light, of His life, of His realm of colors.
Lectures 2 p. 38
-Every flower here therefore represents your own life, your thoughts, your character traits, so that millions of flowers interpret your life here. They live by means of the human being! If the human being was to with- draw, this life would dissolve.
-You see every spatial law again, as light, life, soul and spirit, also for fatherhood and motherhood, in our life as a flower of life.
The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof part 4 p.248
-Millions of species of flowers welcomed us and asked our human heart for love. We descended into these lives and became one with this bliss. We understood!
-There were flowers that dissolved into the clouds, a sign that they were already one with those other worlds and sent out their feelers in there, absorbed the life saps into themselves, as a result of which they already received and experienced a spiritualization here.
Masks and Men p.929
Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof