
2.7 A Soul that has yet to reincarnate, awaits in the “World of the Unconscious” for a new life


When a soul leaves the body and is not yet ready on Earth,
then this soul is attracted by the astral World of the Unconscious until
the moment of reincarnation.
In this world the soul stays in a sort of meditation sleep state,
up to the time that it is attracted for a new life on Earth.

-However, if this soul has to return to earth
again in order to make up for or to experience
 then the World of the Unconscious
attracts this life of the soul.

-This world is for the soul to rest and prepare
itself for the new birth.

The soul now descends to the spark stage,
which is to the moment of the awakening,
when creation started.

-As a Divine spark, the soul can descend
nto the mother organism, after which the
 process can begin.
As an adult conscious the soul cannot descend
into the mother body because the soul crushes
the foetus to death, since there is now
too much inspiration.

-The soul as a spark now awakens in the mother,
after which the growing process begins.

Spiritual Gifts p. 202

Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof