
33.0 Contact with ghosts and spirits


Ghosts are spirits who once ended their earthly lives themselves. They are bound to the place where they died. Each ghost has its own way of haunting. Some ghosts always come at a fixed hour. That is the hour of their death. This hour keeps this soul conscious. When that hour approaches, this life can no longer concentrate on silence and peace and the ghost goes on the rampage. Through mediums and also with cross and sign, man can get in touch with the spirit world.
Through a person’s passions, a dark spirit gets the opportunity to connect with this person.

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Read the Wisdoms 33.1-33.9 and be amazed

-Every ghost has its own way of haunting. Some ghosts keep coming at a fixed hour. That is the hour of destruction. This hour keeps the soul conscious. When that hour approaches, the life can no longer concentrate on silence and peace and the soul starts to walk about. It is because of this that you can establish a fixed hour when the haunting will begin, but this hour is significant to the perished life. The soul now experiences the destruction again and that keeps coming back, months, no, hundreds of years, while it walks up and down stairs and drags along chains and lumps of stone. Can you sense what kind of misery is now experienced?

Spiritual Gifts p.512 (SP.12853.12860)

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof