
35.0 In the higher Cosmic Degrees, the human soul is Divine power that conscious carries everything


Together with the twin soul, our soul evolves in consciousness, love and Divine power. As a result, our soul manifests itself as the Divine base that sustains everything around it. The final stage of this cosmic evolution is the Seventh Cosmic Degree of Life, which again transitions into the Divine All-State. Christ and millions of other humans, as souls, have made this All-State their own. Jozef Rulof was the first earthly man, who together with his masters from the Spheres of Light, were allowed to see these Cosmic Degrees and the Divine All with their own eyes. They were commissioned to bear this wonderful wisdom to the people of earth. Through the 27 books of Jozef Rulof, this highest cosmic science is now available  in simple terms, for every human being and for science on Earth.

-We walked there; you can certify Jozef Rulof as mad, but he was there with Master Alcar and with me. We walked there hand in hand on the fourth cosmic grade. We followed the people, we looked people in the eye, and we spoke to people.

Lecture 1 p.102

-Yes, I saw and was able to experience the Divine ‘ALL’. We also see seven stages of transition there, before we have absorbed that ‘ALL’ conscious in our life and it is only then that we people are Divine Gods. Then the human being represents God? No, God materialised himself as a result of the life and then there is no longer a question of human existence! And that is our ultimate goal; we will then live on eternally!

-You are as a human being the ‘ALL’, sir, therefore as soul, material and spirit and as the personality, you are like God, even if we know that we are still human be- ings. But the ‘ALL’ is inhabited. Christ is there and millions of people along with him, who have completed their spatial cycle and have reached the ‘All-stage’.

Question and Answer 1 p.276, 277

Then we are floating, then we are wind,
then we are rain, then we are light.
We have become serving power, physical and spiritual.
We feed the waters, we give light to the space,
for my light is the light for the sun.

Jozef Rulof
Lectures Part 1p.113

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof