The spatial age of the soul always runs in harmony with the degree of consciousness, achieved in that life. A life on the first planet of the Fourth Cosmic Degree of Life takes hundreds of years and on the last planet already thousands of years. It takes millions of years for the soul, together with the twin soul, to master the entire Fourth Cosmic Degree of Life. The life span in the highest Cosmic Degree is millions of years and will be eternal in the Divine All.
-And now, my brothers, I see that the soul as human being must now determine her own lifespan by means of her con- sciousness. What we now experienced on earth, what the universe wanted to show for our life, we now have to accept as Divine laws of reality, which mean that we determine the length of our life according to our conscious- ness, but that this is a Divine justice! On earth the human being flung himself out of that life harmony, by means of devastation and conscious and unconscious destruction of her life, all those early transitions originat- ed, as the deathbeds are for her. That is over here, by means of which she can now experience her spatial lifespan as a human being. Here, on the First Grade of Life, she already experiences hundreds of years for one life, so that she will experience thousands of years on the Seventh Grade before she can end that life. It is obvious that her lifespan must grow, because she evolves to the eternal.
The Cosmology 1 p.249 (C1.8190.8195)
-On the first grade of life (of the Fourth Cosmic Grade of Life) the human being becomes hundreds of years old. On the Mother planet thousands of years in one life. It takes millions of years before man and wife have conquered this universe, in order to prepare themselves for the Fifth Cosmic Grade of Life. It is only in the conscious Divine All that the eternal has been reached and the human being is like God is!
The Cosmology 4 p.246 (C4.8008.8011)
-Yes, André, and that is obvious. Man there reaches an age of ap- proximately two hundred and fifty years by earthly standards. Do not forget, there is no illness; the material organism is of an entirely differ- ent substance, because those living there are spiritual beings. You will be amazed when I say that people on the fifth cosmic degree reach ages of hundreds of years, in one material life. The sixth cosmic degree can- not be compared with the fifth; people reach ages of thousands of years and life seems to be endless. But that end comes, for one has to go higher and further to reach the seventh cosmic degree and subsequently to pass into the All. But those who have reached the seventh cosmic degree, stay there for millions of years and are also born there before entering the All.
The Origin of the Universe p.161 (OR.4297.4302)
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof