
35.3 Spiritual abilities and inventions at the Fourth Cosmic Degree


Man here communicates spiritually from feeling to feeling. One knows languages, but they are used very little. They float in space and there is no distance for them. They use their unfailing intuition. Material connections are no longer necessary. If a person would like to speak to another human being who is thousands of miles away from him, he inwardly attunes himself to that person and a spiritual connection is established. In the process, one can also manifest himself in that other place. There are billions of lives here. Each one has its own task. One travels a lot and visits each other.

-Those living here attune to that other human being and can manifest themselves far away from their own body. The material inventions of the earth are the inner possession of those living here and consequently are spiritual gifts. People here no longer need these material connec- tions. If one of them would like to speak to some other being thou- sands of miles away from him, he inwardly attunes to him and a spiritual connection is established. They can manifest themselves on that spot; they depart from their material organism and experience what they want.

-They were also asked: ‘Have you got your own language?’ We know all languages of the earth and we also have our own lan- guages, though they are hardly used, for we use the spiritual language. Why should we needlessly complicate matters when we can pick up each others thoughts and feelings?

-We have temples and buildings as in the fourth sphere, but ours are material and radiate, as we all have inner radiance.’

-We are in communication with our brothers and sisters who have already reached the fifth cosmic degree, and that life, that happiness cannot be compared with ours. We receive many inventions from our sisters and brothers of the fifth cosmic degree, but we can only prepare and apply them when we have advanced that far and have acquired the highest inner degree.

The Origin of the Universe p.484, 491

-Everything here is perfect, spir- itually perfect. As I told you, the technical wonders here are beyond description and beyond comprehension. They are thousands of years ahead of the earth. They float in space, for them there is no distance and they know this planet. There is no being who would not know what he possesses, for they own it inwardly. They have an infallible intuition and their main possession is that they know themselves.’

-‘Yes, billions of beings live here and yet it is one big family. They all 
travel, years on end and thus take possession of their beloved planet. They are one with everything here and even a grass-stalk is sacred to them. They know every patch of soil and have been there and they are lovingly welcomed on their journeys by their sisters and brothers.

The Origin of the Universe p.499, 500

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof