
36.10 The first human being to return to the Divine All after creation, was Christ


Christ was the first human soul, who reached the Divine All again after creation. We humans have to follow the same path for our development that Christ too once followed.
One day we as humans will have developed the level of Divine thinking and feeling and will have returned to the Divine All.

-And that law takes us back to this first cell, but connects us directly with the conscious Divine ALL, and there comes to my life: That spark, this cell, so this first birth, develops spiritually and physically and possesses later, in millions of times, the highest consciousness as a human being, as an astral being, but in addition for the Divine All and will one day return to the Earth as Christ, the Messiah. The laws of life and reincarnation will explain that to us, but then we will stand in the ALL and we will see Christ! And that therefore means, that Christ also had to experience these laws of the Moon.

-Christ says: “I am not different to you in any way, and the life begot by means of fatherhood and motherhood. I am soul of His soul, life of His life, spark of His personality, but I was one of these cells which reached this condensing first, experienced fa- therhood and motherhood for the All-Mother! Yes, I came back from the conscious Divine ALL to the Earth, but you know how people received Me there. Record this Divine truth for ‘My University’!

The Cosmology2 p.194, 195 

-Mankind must awaken, because Christ came to Mother Earth for that purpose. Science will evolve and soon accept all these laws, by means of which an academic will get consciousness. And then churches and ministers will no longer mean anything. Then the church can bow its own head and a cardinal will have to listen to us and he can also accept the laws. He can then begin with fatherhood and motherhood. But how many laws are smothered by the church now? Raped? Deformed? Sullied? Thousands of laws are made inhumanly and unspatially by the church.

-You must now accept that we people got the highest consciousness created by God
and the All-Mother.

-We as human beings got to experience the Divine thinking and feeling, by means of which we will therefore be capable of following ‘HIM’ for all His grades. By means of the Universal revelations the phe- nomena got new life and becoming conscious.

The Cosmology1 p.164,165

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof