
37.10 Man questions the difference between the beginning and the end of this Divine evolutionary process


Man is a split from the All Source and eventually develops into a conscious Divinity.
Everything has then reached a higher level and that is also the goal.
If the All Source had not started splitting, there would only have been ’emptiness’, like before creation.
Man would then have remained invisible force and life and not undergone this enormous evolution.

-You are a division of God.
But when the All-Source… You must not first take and see God. But if the All- Source had not began with division, with fatherhood and motherhood, then there would still be emptiness for that matter.
God – we will say God – filled those spaces by means of this. There was nothing then, only power, life.
And by means of this planetary systems emerged, universes, in which we live.

-(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Yes, but you say, then we return to God again, so then we are at the starting point again.’
No, then we are at the point where we experience and represent the ultimate goal.
(Gentleman in the hall): ‘Is that not the same thing as the beginning?’
No, of course not. Because then you were only power, then you were only invisible life, and now you are a human God.

-Christ and millions of other people already live there. The people from a hundred million years ago now live in the Divine All. And we are still busy on earth. We are not yet so old, even if we have experienced millions of ages and known and had a hundred million lives. We are still not old, because we are only just on earth.
We conquer this universe when we have experienced the planets, and, you see it, this is a planet.
By means of fatherhood and motherhood, rebirth, reincarnation we come back and we get a new body,
a higher stage, and by means of that we start to expand.

 Question and Answer2 p.316 (Q2.12168.12174/Q2.12183.12194)

-You get inner space, you start to think, you can speak, you are the highest, the human being is the highest, the very first consciousness as a being, created by God.

Question and Answer5 p.28 (Q5.374)

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof