
9.3 The Earth is an important learning school. The Soul can consciously experience good and evil here


The Earth is an important learning school. Here the soul experiences conscious good and evil for the first time.
In order to be able to develop the life of feeling, the Soul gets many lives and will be able to get to know all forms of human life on Earth.


-Earth was a planet where man had to learn, a school, and in that school one had to learn about one’s self.

The Cycle of the Soul p.231

-We know that Mother Earth is the only planet for the Third Cosmic Grade of Life which possesses conscious good and evil.

 The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof part 1 p.253

-Mother Earth is driving her life to higher feeling and thinking, to the spiritual awakening. at is only possible by means of fatherhood and motherhood, and also reincarnation.

The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof part 4 p.211

-The planet earth is ready but mankind lags behind. Material life is far, very far ahead of inner life, but all these human beings do not want to realize that.

The Origin of the Universe p.367

Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof