When the soul unites spiritually with another soul, it is a spiritual kiss, an indescribably beautiful
and intense experience.
The further the soul develops in Spiritual love, the greater and more intense the Oneness experience becomes.
When the soul has reached the fourth degree of Love, the universal Love, it can connect with all life on Earth.
The degree of Love of a soul can be seen from the radiance of Light.
The more LOVE the soul develops, the brighter the LIGHT and the greater the CREATIVE POWER.
-Love everything which lives, therefore everything of the human character and you will be love.
Question and Answer 1 (Q1.5767)
-The human being becomes a Deity in love! And you will analyse all these grades of life for that, for the human love, you are now capable of that. The human kiss is deep in feeling according to how much the per- sonality can experience, can give her own obtained consciousness!
The Cosmology 2 p.183 (C2.5675)
-Because you must be able to love mankind; and then the universe, every animal, every flower,
every tree, everything, life, night, light, clouds, the lightning and the thunder.
Everything was born through you. Did you know that? And you must love that, you let that live.
And that speaks to you. Can you feel that consciousness?
And then that love; it is spatial, it is kind-hearted, just. And then you are carried.
Questions 6 p. 129 (Q6.4898.4905)
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof