
3.3 All creation is born from the Divine All-Source of Love. But only the human Soul becomes Divinely aware


The human being is the heart of the Divine Evolution.
In order to understand and recognize this in our daily lives, it is necessary to learn to know the origin and existence of All.
Man, as a Divine spark, must develop Divine consciousness by getting to know the Universe, visible and invisible


-Therefor He created us, men and woman, after His own image.

-Into men and women He placed His divine Kernel, part of Himself, His Godlike feeling.

-Into their hands He placed His All, the material and the spiritual Universe.

My Revelations to the People of the Earth  p.37

-God created the universe for mankind; He created stars and planets; but he made mankind after his own image.

The origin of the Universe  p.81

-God wanted us through His attunement to become like God, to pass consciously into the universe and to acquire that.

-A spark of God is the animal on earth, a piece of stone, a fragment of iron, but we are the conscious, inspiring beings who have received this gift from God.

The origin of the Universe  p.200

Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof