The Seventh Sphere of Light is the last and highest stage of evolution of the 3rd Cosmic Degree. After this, the human being, as a soul, passes into the mental realms, the transition realms to the 4th Cosmic Degree. Here one prepares to incarnate on a new planet in a new Universe. Here again the Cosmic laws of Fatherhood and Motherhood are in force and the soul reincarnates in a material embryo in the womb of a material mother. Here everything lives in a wonderful and transparent world of harmony. Together with the twin soul, the evolution in Love now continues.
-But we have the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh sphere in which the human being lives who prepares himself for the mental areas; again the world of the unconscious. But that world is now no longer unconscious; when you dissolve from the seventh sphere into that world – I told you that recently. Were you not with me on Sunday? – then you remain conscious, because you go to the eternal divine consciousness.
Question and Answer 5 p.20, 21
-The human being now, my brothers – comes to me – who has reached the seventh sphere, so senses these laws from our astral spiritual life, first enters the mental areas, sinks back to the embryonic existence for rein- carnation and also becomes attracted for this space by fatherhood and motherhood.
Lectures 3 p.358
-After that, we pass on to the mental regions where we are attracted by the fourth cosmic degree; there we receive a new material organism of incredible beauty and an inexplicable happiness which no person on earth can imagine. Conse- quently, in those higher regions, people live like gods, but all once lived here.’
The Origin of the Universe p.147
Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof