
32.1 There are more spirits on Earth than there are people


Wherever man is on earth, there are spirits. Light spirits, coming from the spheres of Light, trying to help earthly man. But unfortunately, there are also many spirits from the dark spheres. They can take possession of human beings and through them they can work out their low passions.
There are more spirits on earth, than there are human beings.

-When I am in the city, and I come amongst people, then I always compose myself inwardly, and then I see more spiritual beings than people in the street. I think: Oh, they are walking.

Question and Answer 2 p.185

-They passed through lots of streets and he saw various physical beings that were surrounded by dark figures who followed them in their footsteps. Some were there to bring happiness and protection to the bereaved, others brought death and destruction. Others again had come to convince their loved ones that life goes on forever. What a strange kind of continued existence he was looking at; and yet it would serve its purpose to know all this on earth.

A View into the Hereafter p.501

-Everywhere André saw earthly man and around him the astral spirit, who was visible to him. They could link up themselves, since man himself allowed this. Some for the sake of good, others for the sake of evil. He saw the sphere of the earth teeming with life, and man was unaware of its existence.

A View into the Hereafter p.519

-Wherever man may be, André, spiritual help is always present. Spiritual beings are there to help their loved ones, which is becoming clear to you since I let you experience all these conditions. No sick person is ever without spiritual beings around him to alleviate his pains. There are more beings on earth from our side than there are physical beings.

A View into the Hereafter p.290

Source: Quotations from the books of Jozef Rulof