31.0 The seven dark spheres
31.1 Seven dark spheres full of passion and violence
31.2 The dark spheres are missing love, warmth, sunshine and life force
31.3 The land of hatred, the seventh dark sphere, borders the twilight land
31.4 The sixth dark sphere is called the demonic sphere
31.5 The fifth and fourth dark spheres are for souls with animal and pre-animal attument
31.6 The third dark sphere is called: “the valley of sorrows”
31.7 The second dark sphere is the land of creeping life
31.8 The first dark sphere is the deepest hell, characterized by stinking, rotting life
31.9 Light spirits offering help in the dark spheres
31.10 Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) together with his guardian angel Vergilius visited the astral worlds after the death
31.11 In the book Divina Commedia, Dante describes hells, purgatory and paradise